We at CFTN Payson understand that Children are our future. We also understand the growing need for relevant and technological delivery of the message of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
We strive to give children the opportunity to
be creative and learn in a fun and vibrant atmosphere.
We look forward to seeing your child at Kid's Nation!
Celebrate Recovery
Do you have any hurts, habits or hang-ups that are controlling your life?
Do you struggle with Drug addiction?, Pornography, Alcoholism? Have you been abused? In a bad relationship? or just struggling with life's challenges. Then Celebrate Recovery might be your answer.
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place where you can find support and a helping hand through a Christ centered 12 step program.
FMI call Pastor Tim @ +1 (928) 580-7652
Celebrate Recovery® is a Christ-centered program with foundations firmly established in Biblical truth. The 12 Steps with accompanying Scriptures and the 8 Principles based on the Beatitudes offer participants a clear path of salvation and discipleship; bringing hope, freedom, sobriety, healing, and the opportunity to give back one day at a time through our one and only true Higher Power, Jesus Christ. The 12 Steps and the 8 Principles work seamlessly together, tying historical recovery to timeless Biblical teaching.

Room for Hope
Open 1st and 3rd Thursdays, from 6:30 - 8:30pm at
200 W Frontier - Bonanza Square (across from the Post Office).
Come! We will pray for you and minister to you.
Supporting Churches: Church of Nazarene, Community Presbiterian, Crossroads, Expedition, Mountain Bible, Payson Church for the Nations, Payson Family, Restoration, Shepherd of the Pines, The Word.
Information or appointments: +1 (928) 580-7652